The Zen monk Thich Nhat Hanh says..
…Within each of us, there is a strong energy called the energy of habit, or vasana in Sanskrit. We all have habitual energies that push us to say or do things we may not want to. These habits harm us and our relationships with others.
For this very reason, sometimes it’s essential to break the pattern, and what better place than our Vitanova Urban Wellness & Spa to experience a different day, to rejuvenate, filled with relaxation and psycho-physical well-being?
new year 2024
private spa
one hour relax
€20 for an hour of relaxation between the hustle and bustle of work
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Duis dicat eos ei. Eam quem dissentiunt reprehendunt in, in eos esse facete aeterno. Nec no intellegam neglegentur rhoncus eget consectetur.
lorem ipaums
Duis dicat eos ei. Eam quem dissentiunt reprehendunt in, in eos esse facete aeterno. Nec no intellegam neglegentur rhoncus eget consectetur.
replicum sed solo
Duis dicat eos ei. Eam quem dissentiunt reprehendunt in, in eos esse facete aeterno. Nec no intellegam neglegentur rhoncus eget consectetur.
Veditur se solo
Duis dicat eos ei. Eam quem dissentiunt reprehendunt in, in eos esse facete aeterno. Nec no intellegam neglegentur rhoncus eget consectetur.
quantum serium
Duis dicat eos ei. Eam quem dissentiunt reprehendunt in, in eos esse facete aeterno. Nec no intellegam neglegentur rhoncus eget consectetur.
My Seasonal Menu
Eos veniam legendos corrumpit at, id agam perpetua est. Periculis torquatos et eum, nec iriure civibus apeirian at. In iudico populo nominati eos, cu alii dolorum luptatum est.
Vitanova Day
Ingresso 1,30 h €20
vitanova fidelity
Pacchetto 10 ingressi + 1 omaggio 1, 30 h €200